slow movements

美 [sloʊ ˈmuvmənts]英 [sləʊ ˈmuːvmənts]
  • 慢动作
slow movementsslow movements
  1. In Chinese , the word is literally translated to the " supreme art of tai chi . Some emphasize the slow movements as a form of exercise , while others practice it as a martial art .


  2. The prey 's vision reacts best to fast motion and can be fooled by slow movements .


  3. By removing specific neurons in the lower spinal cord with laser beams , the researchers rendered the fish incapable of slow movements .


  4. In a normal scenario , rapid motion draws the eye , while in a frenetic environment , stationary or slow movements may have the same effect .


  5. Once it was understood how these plates move , it was possible to determine past movements of Earth 's continents and how these slow movements have reshaped Earth 's features at different times .


  6. A Hare having ridiculed the slow movements of a Tortoise , was challenged by the latter to run a race , a Fox to go to the goal and be the judge .


  7. There are slow movements of the continents ( for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago ), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles .


  8. Taijiquan has now become the majority of colleges and universities teaching in physical education a compulsory subject in the project , one of the younger students the characteristics of active and need to loose body pause , slow movements of tai chi form of contrast .


  9. Apparently the fast-paced global corporate world , focused on immediate results , " contrasts greatly with the slow movements of the Swedish . They , on the other hand , debate , debate , debate , hold x quantity of meetings and work with a slowdown scheme . At the end , this always yields better results . "


  10. Winston began to dress himself with slow stiff movements .


  11. It calls for synchronization of deep breathing and slow rhythmic movements , and requires high concentration .


  12. He stamped the papers with slow , mechanical movements .


  13. With slow and deliberate movements he opened the envelope .


  14. Relax and slow down your movements .


  15. The important stories are non-stories : slow , powerful movements that develop below journalists ' radar but have a transforming effect .


  16. Move with slow , sinuous movements .


  17. With slow but purposeful movements the shadow stole forward until it was finally outside the police cordon .


  18. He was a middle-aged man of slow speech and slower movements .


  19. Calm , slow gestures and slow movements ;


  20. Direction of uses : Massage the oil in slow , gently pressured movements across the body , including arms , legs , stomach , neck and chest , working towards the heart .
